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looks pretty good, its ue5 right ? 


Wow, what a polished submission this is! The game is looks very atmospheric. I don't have a Windows machine near me so I couldn't test it myself, but from the video this looks like a very impressive achievement for a 7 day jam and I appreciate that you included a video and took some time to polish the itch page, too. Good luck!


Hopefully future jams will be two weeks or at least two weekends, because this is really a lot to try and do so fast. Thanks very much for the feedback. :)   I do want to figure out how to get a proper spectator camera system with a wider FOV so that the recording videos don't looks so zoomed-in and cropped, but it was important for me to include the gameplay in a video for those who can't or won't install something on their computer (and given that this jam happened during a global IT outage event, I can't blame people for being careful of that)