This is a lightly-interactive fiction story written for inkJam 2021:

This is playable on mobile phone (unless you have a phone with a weird notch thing at the top, probably. Why did you get one of those, anyway?)

Story length is 2,429 words. Genre is comedy. Perspective is first person. Tense is past, for the most part. Language is English. Theme/Writing Prompt is "You'll think of something." Special ingredient is nostalgia.


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some genuine laugh out loud lines, enjoyed 


Funny, clever at points, totally worth the read.

Thank you for reading. I need an outlet for my odd sense of humor, and this was a good fit. I always point people to the novel by Hugh Laurie (the guy who played House), "The Gunseller". That novel made me laugh like nothing else, and it affects my writing style to this day.