Welcome to this. Congratulations.

I would like to take this opportunity to warn you. Consider yourself warned.

With a little further ado, because having no ado is much ado about nothing, I present you with an insider's view into the making of a game jam game. This game jam game. The game itself is a making of itself. It's taking an in-depth look at the game development's process from the inside out. And it has memes.

(Credits are in the screenshots)

Here's the full gameplay video:

My sincerest goal is that by the end of this experience, you will have the same reaction as Thor has in this clip:

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorBeard or Die


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BRAVO! HAHAHAHA GameDev HAHAHA..Hahh.. Euuughhshhiittttt I'm a MESS this is to REAL!!!! (T_T)

I do is aiming to be realest. Thank.


Another masterpiece from Bread or Die 

Unique & funny - Absolutely loved it!

Mmmm, Bread.

Thank you muchly, sir.


This garbaż?! It is very very hot!
Another comedy classic Beard or Die title. Very gamejam game.
You will give this game bonus points because it contains a grapple hook cameo. You will do it today without any ado. This game is not so ado so it does not require any particular game player skills except of being unity dev, but anyone could be one, so you can play without ado.

Concur thank